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Our President's Project is a habitat garden.  We obtained a 28' x 75' parcel and planted California native plants and nectar and water sources to help our struggling pollinators.  The community is welcome to come explore and learn more.  Information, including scavenger hunt diagrams for children, are available inside the "information pole".

Native Plant of the Month

Desert Willow Tree - Chilopsis linearis

Golden Rod Solidago

Seaside Daisy

Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina'

Coffeeberry - California Lilac

Narrow Leaf Buckwheat, Eriogonum fasciculatum

Manzanita [Arctostaphylos]

Autumn Joy Sedum

Evergreen Huckleberry Vaccinium Ovatum

Scabiosa, aka Pincushion

Elegant Claytonia Perfoliata or Miner's Lettuce

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